Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Luck

I have decided that I have some pretty bad luck. I know it's not as bad of luck as some, the bad part about it is it's constant and about everything. For an example, I had decided to start a daycare after my baby was born. I started in June, by then we did not have much money at all and our bills were past due. I accepted a couple of kids that my husband knew their mom by the mom's brother. She ended up being crazy and so much to deal with so I had to drop them. I wrote her a two weeks notice July 7 and the last day they came was the 16th.

I am a part of this food program, they pay for your food to feed the kids. I'm a very honest person and anyone who knows me would tell you that. I was so needing money that I decided, for the first and only time, claim the kids until the 23rd of July on and not the 16th. I needed a good check to feed my kids and pay the bills. I got a letter from the food program saying that they were not paying me for what I claimed, but only to the 7th of July! The mom had called them and told them her kids hadn't been there since that date!!! I was so needing this check!! I guess we both lied, but I only lied for a weeks worth of food and I ended up with two weeks less!! They were actually there until the 16th but since the mom called and told them they were there until the 7th I didn't get paid what I actually fed them.

That's one example of my luck when I really needed it and never do anything like that ever. Heck people cheat the system all the time for stupid stuff. I know a girl that has claimed kids for years that haven't been there and she never got caught, but the one time I actually needed it it didn't pan out. That's the story of my life!!!!!

This year is my 6 month old's first Halloween. I found the adorable flower costume online and ordered it. It was to be here today! I waited and watched the door all day for the UPS truck to pull up. Finally at about 4 pm it pulled up; he put the package by my door and I opened the door and picked it up immediately. I opened it all excited and found a 4-6 year old solider costume!!! Man!!! I was soooo looking forward to it, and how does that happen!! Only to me I swear!! So I had to send it back and hopefully it comes before Halloween and is the correct costume. I just wish that the simple things would go my way. I don't want to have this luck, it sucks!!! Everyday it's something else.

I'm a great person and give back to my community the best I can, I know that sometime hopefully soon I will get my great outcome that I hopefully I deserve :)


  1. If you do good, good will come to you back as well!!

    Aw, I wanna see your little flower baby for halloween, but I can imagine you being all excited and then you see another costume! lol

  2. I finally did get the right costume and it's soo cute!!! The pedals are floppy so we are going to have to figure out a way to rig them up...

    Thanks Maggie!! For all your kind words!
